What are the important points to consider in user research?
Collecting the data about user behavior and preferences via diverse methods and techniques, the designer has to take into account the following factors:
- the environment of use (the factors of using the product indoors or outdoors, the level of light, noise, available time and tons of other things can have an impact on design solutions)
- factors of intrinsic motivation (the internal personal stimuli moving the person to act)
- factors of extrinsic motivation (the outer factors of getting a reward or avoiding punishment that encourage people’s behavior)
- longevity of the product (based on the period for which the product is planned for use: if it grows together with the user or is applicable only in a particular age).
It’s should be remembered that removing the mistakes in design, even if its already high-fidelity level, is faster, cheaper and less painful for users than fixing negative issues with already launched and operating product.
The bottom line is simple. Don’t be lazy to research vital points of the project before you start designing. Don’t fancy doing the research? No problem, go to duck and dive in loads of baseless concepts instead of going along the solid path of understanding the user’s needs and wishes. Just don’t forget: it’s not you who decides that the product is successful, it’s not even other designers or stakeholders. It’s users. So, empathy is the best policy.
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